App Help

How do I get started with Go Write?

• Visit for a helpful listing of materials, websites and guides aimed at helping parents, teachers, students and administrators navigate the Common Core Writing Standards

• Set up an admin account. The admin account will have the ability to add and delete student profiles and associated papers.

➢ Enter a name in the Admin window. You will be taken to “My Account” page to set up a username and password.

➢ You may edit the name at any time by tapping on “My Info” and enter the new information.

• Set up Student accounts.

➢ On the home screen, tap on any of the student windows, enter the student name, and press enter on the keyboard. The student names will save.

➢ You may edit student names in the “My Account” screen by tapping on “My Info”

➢ Tap on any of the student names to get started writing essays with Go Write!

➢ An Admin may delete a student account by swiping across the window with the student name, tapping the confirm button, and entering the admin password.

How do I start writing an essay with Go Write?

• Tap on a student name to go to the “My Account” page.

• Select “New Paper” at the top right corner of the navigation bar.

• In the “New Paper” screen:

➢ Enter the title of your essay

➢ Choose one of the 4 rhetorical styles: Narrative, Expository, Persuasive, or Descriptive

• At the bottom of the screen, you will see subsets of each style. Make sure you choose the right style for your essay.

➢ Choose a custom level. Custom level refers to the amount of paragraphs in the essay. In general, elementary students’ essays contain fewer paragraph than high school students’ essays; however, one or two paragraph essays can be very effective at any level depending on the assignment.

• 1-2: One paragraph with an optional conclusion

• 3-6: Two paragraphs with an optional conclusion

• 7-9: Three paragraphs with a required conclusion

• 10-12: Four paragraphs with a required conclusion

• Once all the above information has been entered, click the “Go” button.

How do I start the writing process with Go Write?

• As you move through the writing process, you will notice that the pencil graphic in the top right corner will fill depending on the stage of the process you are in.

• Before you begin drafting your essay, please make sure you have completed your pre-write. For pre-writing help, click here to visit our website.

• Drafting Stage

➢ In the draft stage, you will see paragraph(s) with main idea, major support idea, and detail boxes. Tap the main idea box in the first paragraph to begin writing. The box will expand to accommodate the amount of sentences you write.

➢ Helpful tips are provided on the screen to assist you through the writing process

• “Help” button in the upper left hand corner: The help feature will give you links to our website to help you with various parts of the writing process

• “Writing Tips” button in the upper left hand corner: This button will open a new window and give you helpful tips for the stage of writing you are in

• “I” button next to paragraph labels: press this button to obtain a definition

➢ As you draft, you will notice green checks appear next to each paragraph once you have written information in each level of each paragraph.

➢ You may print or email your essay at any stage in the writing process.

➢ Click next to enter the revise stage of the writing process. Please note that once you click next, you will not be able to return to the draft stage.

• Revise Stage

➢ The revise stage is where the reworking of your essay. You will be able to add details, rework ideas, rearrange, replace, and change words and phrases in this stage.

➢ The Help features that were available in the draft stage are available in this stage and are focused on revision.

➢ To revise a paragraph, simply click on the paragraph and it will expand. You are able to add details, rearrange, etc.

➢ You will also notice that each level of the paragraph is color coded and the legend is at the bottom of the screen.

➢ You are able to share your essay in this stage of the writing process.

➢ When you have completed revising your essay, click next to go on to the edit stage. Please note that you cannot return to the revise stage once you click next.

• Edit Stage

➢ In the edit stage, you will be working on the finer details of your essay. Spelling and grammar check are active in this stage.

➢ The help features that were available in previous stages are still available to you. They are focused on the “edit” stage of the writing process.

➢ You are able to share your essay in this stage of the writing process.

➢ When you have finished editing your essay, click next to go on to the publish stage. Please note that you cannot return to the edit stage once you click next.

• Publish Stage

➢ This is the last stage of the writing process and your final opportunity to make any final touches to your essay.

➢ When you are ready to publish, click the publish button. You will see a green check appear. You will now have the option to email or print your essay.

➢ You will always have the option of republishing your essay by clicking on your essay in the My Account screen.

• Papers in progress

➢ If you need to stop writing at any point during the writing process, your essay will be saved.

➢ In the “My Account” screen, your essay will show the stage of the writing process you left off on. Simply click the essay and you will be taken back to that point in the writing process.